This was the very first cook on the grill of the Big Easy SRG. It really got HOT! 660°! Might have to try to sear a steak.

I dry brined them with salt. It was too much. I will skip this next time. I pulled them and let them sit out an hour before cooking. That should be standard for all meats.

Put fresh minced garlic and olive oil in a bowl. Mixed and spread on the pork chops. I then put fresh ground pepper on them. Next time I will be more free with the pepper, and also salt them, since I will not be dry brining them.

These pork chops were fairly thin, so it does not take long to cook. I was looking for 145°, but they went way over that. On high it should probably only take about 10 minutes total. They were a little salty, but still very enjoyable! With the changes I think that they will be awesome!

Pork Chops