I love barbecued chicken but I always had trouble with flare ups. Burnt chicken was almost guaranteed! I found some wire baskets that fit on the skewer and I started to have rotisserie chicken. This chicken was awesome. It did take a long time to cook and there was some extra mess. Then I discovered GrillGrates. The whole world of grilling has been changed! I can grill anything without having the fire extinguisher right next to me! LOL (To read my full review of GrillGrates click here). If you aren’t using GrillGrates you are not grilling!

I really don’t get excited about your typical ketchup based sauce. I like what may be referred to in some circles as “Sussex County Roadside Chicken”.

You will need:

1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup vinegar
1 egg beaten
1 tbls salt
1 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning
1/4 tsp pepper

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Marinate chicken in refrigerator for several hours. Baste chicken while it is grilling. Cooking time will vary with grills, but plan on 45 – 60 minutes. I usually pull mine when it reaches about 160 or 170 degrees.


Grill Grates Chicken