The Best Rice Pudding! Recipe from Faye Cooper.

You will need:

1/2 cup arborio rice
1 cup water, slightly salted
1 quart milk
2 Tbsp butter
2 eggs
1 egg white
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup raisins
1/2 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp cinnamon

Pour rice slowly into boiling water. Cover and cook 7 minutes. Add the milk and butter. Stir a little, bring to a boil, cover, turn to low, and cook for 1 hour. 

Meanwhile, beat eggs. Add sugar, raisins, and vanilla. Pour mixture into rice, stirring slowly until the rice starts to thicken and bubbles. 

Serve hot or cold with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top.
