The Smash Burgers were a SUCCESS!

Rolled balls of plain hamburger meat. Recipes all called for a better grade that was not run through a grinder. But, for a first try, they were awesome. May investigate getting some better meat next time.

Turned the GrillGrates upside down. Ran on high. Got grates to about 550°. Put a pat of butter on the spot were I was going to cook the burger. Moved it around. (It was a fast little bugger).

Smashed ball with press for about 10 seconds. Moved to remaining patties.

Only cooked for a couple of minutes and flipped. Another couple of minutes and put american cheese on them. Closed the lid until cheese melted. Also had the rolls on for a little toast effect.

These burgers were awesome! Margo said that they were the best that she had ever eaten!

Easy and awesome. What could be better!



Smash Burgers


Smash Burgers on GrillGrates