OK, getting closer to perfection! For this cook I cooked on high the entire time. I used the upper shelves, but next time I will try the bottom.

Dried wings uncovered in the refrigerator overnight. Then dried them off with a paper towel. A light coat of Olive Oil, then baking powder. Need to use a sifter next time to get an even coat. I also put salt on, which I will skip for next time.

I figured 40 minutes and I was going to open the lid for the last 10 minutes. But they were done in 30 so I pulled them. I also added wood chips.

Margo said that they could have cooked longer, so I will use the entire 40 next time. Also she did not like the smoke. The smoke was not as noticeable with the Franks Hot Sauce, but I could taste it when they were naked.

I have a feeling that they will be perfect next time!


The bottom shelf is too low. Need a Tommy Ring.
Cook time was more like 45 and 15 with the lid open.
Used to flat top squirt bottle and a brush on the wings to prep. I used a shaker for the baking powder. I will use a fine strainer next time.
I did not use salt and I did not miss it.

Franks Hot Sauce On Wings